1 |
Details of cases dealt during the year 2008-09 in which required relief was provided to the petitioners/ aggrieved persons |
(240.5 KB)
2 |
Minutes of the meeting with the RGI held on 08/04/2008 for enumeration of migrant ST population in Census 2011 |
3 |
Disposal of persons by Police arrested for committing Crimes against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 |
(25.06 KB)
4 |
The process of two Bills Land Acquisition Bill, 2007 and RR Bill, 2007 in flow diagram |
5 |
DoPT OM dated 07/12/2009 regarding revision of proforma for sending Dereservation proposals |
(212.45 KB)
6 |
D.O. letter dated 05/03/2010 from the Vice-Chairperson to Union Minister of Tribal Affairs regarding sanctioning of the Additional posts in NCST |
(45.5 KB)
7 |
Matters received for advice of National Commission for Scheduled Tribes from various Ministries/Departments |
(38 KB)
8 |
The State-wise details of reports in cases under PoA Act dealt in the Commission during the years 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 |
(337 KB)
9 |
Details of cases in which recommendations of the Commission were not implemented |
(43 KB)
10 |
Recommendation of the Commission for providing time bound disposal of cases by Special Courts under PoA Act |
11 |
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) Order (Amendment) Act, 2008 |
12 |
Questionnaire relating to Chhal and Dipka Project |
13 |
Action Taken position on the actionable points for the Central Ministries and State Govts. for implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 as on 07.05.2008 |
(68.5 KB)
14 |
Questionnaire relating to Chhal and Dipka Project |
15 |
Status of Report on implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 as on 30.11.2009 |
(38.73 KB)
16 |
Disposal of persons by Police arrested for committing Crimes against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 (State & UT wise) |
(43.12 KB)
17 |
Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 - State wise progress as on 30.11.2009 |
(70.5 KB)
18 |
Disposal of persons by Courts arrested for committing Crimes against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 |
(25.92 KB)
19 |
The process of two Bills Land Acquisition Bill, 2007 and RR Bill, 2007 should be harmonized in flow diagram |
20 |
Disposal of claims for settlement under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 as on 30.11.2009 |
(79.5 KB)
21 |
Procedure for seeking prior approval for diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose for facilities managed by the Govt. under Section 3(2) of the Forest Act, 2006 |
(88.18 KB)
22 |
Percentage disposal by Courts of cases for crimes committed Against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 |
(26.09 KB)
23 |
Draft suggestions of the National Conference on 'Relief and Rehabilitation of Displaced Persons' organized by National Human Rights Commission in March 2008. New Delhi |
24 |
Action Taken position on the actionable points for the Central Ministries and State Govts. for implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 as on 07.05.2008 |
(68.5 KB)
25 |
Disposal of persons by Police arrested for committing Crimes against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 |
(25.06 KB)
26 |
Questionnaire relating to Chhal and Dipka Project |
27 |
Status of Report on implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 as on 30.11.2009 |
(38.73 KB)
28 |
Disposal of persons by Police arrested for committing Crimes against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 (State & UT wise) |
(43.12 KB)
29 |
Questionnaire relating to Chhal and Dipka Project |
30 |
Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 - State wise progress as on 30.11.2009 |
(70.5 KB)
31 |
Classification of comments- Caste status of children of parents contracted inter-caste marriage - modification - Govt. of Kerala Order dated 20th November, 2008 |
32 |
Inflow/Outflow of details of Receipts from 01/04/2008 to 31/03/2009 |
(54 KB)
33 |
Disposal of cases by Scrutiny Committee during 2007-08 |
(36.5 KB)
34 |
Caste status of off-springs of inter-caste married couples - MHA letter No. 39/37/73-SCT.1 dated 21st May, 1977 |
35 |
Dereservation proposals received from various Ministries/ Deptts. during 2008-09 |
(309 KB)
36 |
DoPT OM No. 36011/3/2005-Estt.(Res.) dated 9th September, 2005 |
(144.28 KB)
37 |
DoPT &A.R. No. 36011/16/80-Estt.(SCT) dated 27/02/81 |
(57.09 KB)
38 |
Percentage disposal by Police of cases for crimes committed Against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 |
(27.22 KB)
39 |
DoPT OM No. 36022/1/2007-Estt.(Res.)--Estt.(Res.) dated 20th March, 2007 |
(1.34 MB)
40 |
Organizational Chart of National Commission for Scheduled Tribes |
(54 KB)
41 |
Percentage disposal by Police of cases for crimes committed Against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 |
(27.22 KB)
42 |
DoPT OM No. 36022/1/2007-Estt.(Res.)--Estt.(Res.) dated 20th March, 2007 |
(1.34 MB)
43 |
Organizational Chart of National Commission for Scheduled Tribes |
(54 KB)
44 |
Recommendation of NCST as discussed in the meeting of the Committee held at Agartala on 30/05/2008 |
(48.55 KB)
45 |
Disposal of cases by Courts for Crimes Committed Against Scheduled Tribes during 2007-category-wise |
(25.57 KB)
46 |
Items suggested by the Commission for the meeting of the Committee held on 15/01/2007 at Jaipur |
(165.24 KB)
47 |
Agenda Items discussed in the Commission's meeting during the year 2008-09 |
(53 KB)
48 |
Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 - Clarifications issued by Ministry of Tribal Affairs |
(41.5 KB)
49 |
Disposal of cases by Courts for Crimes Committed Against Scheduled Tribes during 2007-State/UT -wise |
(55.45 KB)
50 |
DoPT OM No. 42011/20/2006--Estt.(Res.) dated 29th March, 2007 |
(2.4 MB)
51 |
Agenda Items discussed in the Commission's meeting during the year 2008-09 |
(53 KB)
52 |
Implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 - Clarifications issued by Ministry of Tribal Affairs |
(41.5 KB)
53 |
Percentage disposal by Courts of cases for crimes committed Against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 |
(26.09 KB)
54 |
Draft suggestions of the National Conference on 'Relief and Rehabilitation of Displaced Persons' organized by National Human Rights Commission in March 2008. New Delhi |
55 |
Procedure for seeking prior approval for diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose for facilities managed by the Govt. under Section 3(2) of the Forest Act, 2006 |
(88.18 KB)
56 |
Disposal of persons by Police arrested for committing Crimes against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 |
(25.06 KB)
57 |
Questionnaire relating to Chhal and Dipka Project |
58 |
Action Taken position on the actionable points for the Central Ministries and State Govts. for implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 as on 07.05.2008 |
(68.5 KB)