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Salient Information w.r.t. 2008-09

SNo. Subjet/Issues Document
21 Constitution of Committee to review and monitors cases under Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955 and SCs and STs (PoA) Act, 1989 (64.32 KB)
22 Specification of equivalent names and name of synonyms and sub-castes/ tribes of the existing Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Bihar State
23 Tour Report of Shri Oris Syiem Myriaw, Hon'ble Member from 08/03/2010 to 11/03/2010 (69.50 KB)
24 Disposal of cases by Police for Crimes Committed Against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 (State & UT wise) (57.98 KB)
25 Specification of equivalent names and name of synonyms and sub-castes/ tribes of the existing Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Gujarat State
26 Visits of the Commission during 2008-09 (121.00 KB)
27 Disposal of cases by Police for Crimes Committed Against Scheduled Tribes during 2007 (27.59 KB)
28 MHA letter No. 12025/2/76 SCT. I dated 22.03.1977
29 List of Court cases received in the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes during 2008-09 (45.00 KB)
30 Comments of State Governments on the proposal of Government of Kerala for amendment of Kerala (SCs and STs) Regulation of issue of Community Certificates Act, 1996 (35.00 KB)


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