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Recommendations on Proposals forwarded by the Government

SNo. Subject Proposal Views Remarks

Revision of the list of Scheduled Tribes - Inclusion of'Narikoravan grouped with Kurivikkaran' community of Tamilnadu and inclusion of 'Dhanuhar/Dhanuwar' communities as synonyms of Dhanwar STs of Chhattisgarh

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Inclusion of Bhogta, Deshwari, Ganjhu, Dautalband, (Dwalbandi), Patbandi, Raut, Maajhia and Khairi (Keri) synonyms of Kharwar Community as STs in Jharkhand

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Inclusion of "Puran" Community in the list of STs in Jharkhand

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Inclusion of 'Saura', 'Sahara', 'Soura'/'Saonm', Saora as synonyms of 'Sawar' and 'Sawara' as ST in Chhattisgarh

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Inclusion of 'Darlong' community in the list of Scheduled Tribes in the State of Tripura.

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Inclusion of 'Kumaran' community as synonym of Kumarans ST of the Tamil Nadu State

(72.05 KB)

Identification of community as Scheduled Tribes in UT of Puducherry

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Inclusion of "Puran" community in the list of STs in the state of Jgarkhand

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Inclusion of 'Bhogta','Deshwari','Ganjhu','Dautalbandi', 'Patbandi','Raut','Maajhia','Khairi or Kharwar communities as Scheduled Tribes in the State of Jharkhand

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Cabinet note for enhancing the reservation for women to 50% in Urban Local bodies

(546.76 KB)


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