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Recommendations on Proposals forwarded by the Government

SNo. Subject Proposal Views Remarks

Draft note for Cabinet - Amendment to Article 243ZC(2) of Part Ix-A of the constitution, consequent upon the enactment of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Act 2011

(598.59 KB)

Inclusion of 'Saura','Sahara','Soura','Saunra'/'Saonra', Saora, as synonyms of 'Sawar' and 'Sawara' appearing as ST at Sl No. 41 in the list of STs in Chhattisgarh

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Corringenda of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 (6 to 2014) as published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, section 01/03/2014 for the list of STs of Telangana State

(822.15 KB)

Comments on Draft EFC Memo on North East Road Sector Development scheme.

(501.66 KB)

Meeting of 'Expert Committe under the Chairmanship os Secretary, Tribal Affairs for prepration of policies for prepration of policies for various PTGs of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

(552.42 KB)

Praposal for Promulgation of 'Andman & Nicobar islands Registration of Tourism Trade Regulation, 2014.'

(71.07 KB)

Inclusion of 'Sura', Sahara', Soura, Saunra/Saonra, Saora as Synonyms of Sawar and Sawara appearing as ST at Sl. No. 41 in the list of Chhattisgarh.

(250.52 KB)

Praposal for Empowerment of National Commission for Backword Classes (NCBC) constitude under the NCBC Act. 1993.

(594.51 KB)

Commission's comments on various proposals from different Ministries/ Department in respect of Notes for the Cabinet/ Cabinet Committees.

(64.64 KB)

Setting up of Credit Guarantee Fund for Tribal Development.

(723.17 KB)


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