1 |
Letter sent to MTA, MHA, MEA, Min of Labout Employment wit reference to good governance of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Areas/Tribal Areas - approach to ILO convention |
(613.25 KB)
2 |
Inclusion of 'Binjhiya' community in the list of Scheduled Tribes of Chhattisgarg State vide File No. 17/8/inclusion/2013/RU-III dated 27/06/2016 |
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3 |
Letter to The Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. 15/14/MC&F/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Comments on Cabinet Note-Extension of Purchase Preference Policy in respect of 102 medicines in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
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4 |
Letter to Director (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. Policy-2/Atrocity/MTA/2012/RU-II dated 26.12.2012 regarding Draft recommendations for amendment in the SC & ST(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
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5 |
Letter to Deputy Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, August Kranti Bhawan) vide File No. NCST/2008/REHAB/01-Coord. dated 20.12.2012 regarding Comments on the Cabinet Note for the official ammendments to the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill, 2011 in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
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6 |
Letter to Joint Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. 15/15/M/O Law/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Draft Cabinet Note on proposal to implement Order dated 10/1/2012 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 540 of 2011 Virendra Pratap & another vs. Union of India and others. Promulgation of the Readjustment of Seats and Territorial constituencies Ordinance, 2012 under Article 123(1) of the Constitution in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
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7 |
Letter to The Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, August Kranti Bhawan) vide File No. 15/12/WCD(ICPS)/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Draft Note for the Cabinet on the amendments proposed in the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000-Regarding comments/suggestion in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
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8 |
Letter to The Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. 15/11/WCD(ICPS)/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Memorandum for Expenditure Finance Committee on the Scheme Integrated Child Protections Schemes in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
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9 |
Letter to Minister of Tribal Affairs vide DO No. DO/CPNCST/2013 dated 08.01.2013 regarding the proposed bill in 2009 from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to regulate the issue of Community Certificate to persons belonging to SCs,STs and OBCs. |
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10 |
Letter to Minister of Tribal Affairs vide DO No. VKC/2/2012/ STGCG/ATOTH/RU-III dated 14.01.2013 regarding the encounter of 17 tribals on 28/06/2012 in Sarkeguda village of Bijapur district. |
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11 |
Letter to Minister for Tribal Affairs sent on 18/06/2012 wrt to the Special Report titled Good Governance for Tribal Development and Administration vide DO No. 4/1/12-Coord. dated 20/06/2012 |
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12 |
Letter to Secretary, MTA Dated 29/05/2015 vide F.No. MTA/(MOF-NE)/4/2015/RU-II regarding Draft Cabinet note on Mission Organic Framing-North East (MOF-NE) Scheme of Ministry of DONER-Comments |
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13 |
Letter to Minister of Tribal Affairs vide DO No. 11/3/Karnataka/ 2008/RU-IV dated 19.11.2012 for necessary action after the assessment of the NCST with regard to the implementation of various development schemes and safeguards concerning the STs in the State of Karnataka. |
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14 |
Letter to Minister of Tribal Affairs sent on 01/11/2012 vide DO No. CP/NCST/2012/MTA/298 dated 31/10/2012 regarding setting up Land Banks comprising of lands resumed by the Govt. to prevent alienation of the land in cases of mortgage default by the ST and consequent sale by Banks of their land to non-tribals. |
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15 |
Letter to Minister of Tribal Affairs sent on 07/11/2012 vide DO No. 16/07/M/OAgriculture/Review/2012/RU-III dated 07/11/2012 regarding meeting with the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture on 30/10/2012 to review implementation of the Tribal Sub-Plan and safeguards provided for STs |
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16 |
Letter to Minister for Tribal Affairs sent on 01/09/2012 vide DO No. Policy4/DEV/(FRA)/MTA/2012-RU-II regarding the guidelines for implementation of the ST and other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Act, 2006) issued to the concerned States/UTs, vide their letter no. 23011/32/2010-FRA. |
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17 |
Letter to Minister of Tribal Affairs vide dated 15.05.2013 regarding: 1. Draft 'The Rajasthan Women (Prevention of Atrocities)' Ordinance, 2013. 2. Draft Cabinet Note for the Registration (Amendment) Bill, 2013. 3. Draft Cabinet Note on scheme 'Introduction of mechanism for marketing of Minor Forest Produce(MFP) through Minimum Support Price(MSP) and development of Value Chain for MFP'. 4. Inclusion of 'BINJHIYA' community in the list of ST of Chhattisgarh State. 5. Draft SFC Note to consider the Plan Scheme - 'Marketing Assistance Scheme' for its continuation in the XIIth Plan. |
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18 |
etter to Minister of Panchayati Raj & Tribal Affairs sent on 11/06/2013 vide D.O. No. 17/5/Inclusion/2013/RU-III regarding inclusion of new communities in the list of Scheduled Tribes are pending for the consideration of the Govt. |
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Letter to Minister of Tribal Affairs vide dated 11.04.2013 regarding: 1. Draft Note for Expenditure Finance Committee for continuation for continuation of Mahila Samakhya Programme in 12th Plan, 2. Inclusion of 'Kisan' community as synonym of Nagesia, Nagasia listed at Sl No 32 in the list of ST of Chhattisgarh State, 3. Draft Note for the Cabinet for Official amendments to the Marriage laws Bill 2010, 4. Chhattisgarh Dharma Swatantraya Bill 2006, 5. Inclusion of 'Dhanuhar/Dhanuwar' community as synonyms of Dhanwar, at Sl No 14 in the list of ST of Chhattisgarh State, 6. Draft Cabinet Note regarding HR Policy for e-governance, 7. Expenditure Finance Committee Memorandum on the Umbrella Scheme for Protection and Empowerment of Women, 8. Draft Cabinet Note on amendment to the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, 9. Establishing 'New Media Wing' in the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting for publicising Govts initiatives through Multiple Social Media platform-reg. |
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20 |
Letter sent to MTA, MHA, MEA, Min of Labout Employment wit reference to good governance of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Areas/Tribal Areas - approach to ILO convention |
(613.25 KB)
21 |
Inclusion of 'Binjhiya' community in the list of Scheduled Tribes of Chhattisgarg State vide File No. 17/8/inclusion/2013/RU-III dated 27/06/2016 |
(257.19 KB)
22 |
Letter to The Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. 15/14/MC&F/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Comments on Cabinet Note-Extension of Purchase Preference Policy in respect of 102 medicines in the 40th Meeting of the Commission |
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23 |
Letter to Director (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. Policy-2/Atrocity/MTA/2012/RU-II dated 26.12.2012 regarding Draft recommendations for amendment in the SC & ST(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
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24 |
Letter to Deputy Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, August Kranti Bhawan) vide File No. NCST/2008/REHAB/01-Coord. dated 20.12.2012 regarding Comments on the Cabinet Note for the official ammendments to the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill, 2011 in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
(285.28 KB)
25 |
Letter to Joint Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. 15/15/M/O Law/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Draft Cabinet Note on proposal to implement Order dated 10/1/2012 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 540 of 2011 Virendra Pratap & another vs. Union of India and others. Promulgation of the Readjustment of Seats and Territorial constituencies Ordinance, 2012 under Article 123(1) of the Constitution in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
(222.82 KB)
26 |
Letter to The Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, August Kranti Bhawan) vide File No. 15/12/WCD(ICPS)/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Draft Note for the Cabinet on the amendments proposed in the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000-Regarding comments/suggestion in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
(138.59 KB)
27 |
Letter to The Secretary (Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan) vide File No. 15/11/WCD(ICPS)/2012/RU-III dated 20.12.2012 regarding Memorandum for Expenditure Finance Committee on the Scheme Integrated Child Protections Schemes in the 40th Meeting of the Commission. |
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28 |
Letter to Planning Commission on Suggections of the Commission on matters affecting the governance and development of Scheduled Areas vide D.O. No. NCST/2008/ REHAB/01 dated 29th Nov. 2011 |
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