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Letter to PM from Chairperson, NCT on National Food Security Bill, 2011 vide D.O. No. 3/1/11/Policy(Food)/RU-IV dated 02-12-2011 |
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Letter to PM from Chairperson, NCT on National Food Security Bill, 2011 vide D.O. No. 3/1/11/Policy(Food)/RU-IV dated 02-12-2011 |
(19.22 KB)
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Letter to PM from Chairperson, NCT on Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill, 2011 vide D.O. No. NCST/2008/REHAB/01 dated 17-10-2011 |
(1.12 MB)
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Letter to PM from Chairperson, NCT on Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2011 vide D.O. No. 12/2/2009-Coord dated 18-11-2011 |
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Letter to PM from Chairperson, NCST regarding important Issues by the NCST in its 3rd and 4th Report vide DO No. 12/01/2011-Coord dated 01/02/2011 |
(119.64 KB)
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Letter to PM sent on 18/06/2012 wrt to Special Report titled Good Governance for Tribal Development and Administration vide DO No. 4/1/12-Coord. dated 20/06/2012 |
(80.31 KB)
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Letter to PM sent on 09/09/2010 wrt to the 4th Annual Report for the year 2008-09 vide DO No. 4/5/2010-Coord. dated 09/09/2010 |
(83.45 KB)
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Letter to PM sent on 07/04/2010 wrt to the 3rd Annual Report for the year 2007-08 vide DO No. 4/12/2009-Coord. dated 07/04/2010 |
(134.22 KB)
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Letter to PM sent on 11/06/2013 vide D.O. No. 17/5/Inclusion/2013/RU-III regarding inclusion of new communities in the list of Scheduled Tribes are pending for the consideration of the Govt. |
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